Wally Kidd Real Estate Blog - Blog Archive: January, 2017

This week’s Amazing Northern Michigan Home is magazine worthy in its design and layout. The main floor is nearly entirely open, designed for efficiency and beauty. Natural light plays a big role everywhere you look in this beautiful home right in downtown Petoskey.

Kalin and Erin toured to show us what makes it so special. View more photos at 9 & 10 News.

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Wally Kidd Walloon LakeThis is my extended interview from the CMU Public Television Production, "Into the North"  from January 2013. My local landmark focus is on the allure and history of Walloon Lake.

Many thanks to WCMU for a chance to collaborate in this story and sharing the rich history and unmatched beauty of Northern Michigan.

“At the turn of the century, Little Traverse Bay area became a key destination for tourism as railroad companies began advertising a pristine haven where one could escape city life and enjoy a "rustic" experience. "Into The North"--a "postcard from the past"-- tells the story of the families who traveled by train and steamship to a summer paradise with opulent hotels, resort communities with famous guests, clean air and million dollar…

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This home was built for a simple purpose -- a place to sleep after a long day of fishing on Walloon Lake.

With four walls and a wood burning stove in the middle of the room, when the current owners bought the property they went to work on completely renovating the space.

What is left is a functional, beautiful and purposefully design space. Not an inch of space hasn't been taken into consideration with its design and function.

Kalin and Erin toured for this week's Amazing Northern Michigan Homes.
View more here.

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